Principal of College


Dr. Ardavan Karimzadeh

Position: Dean of the Faculty

Educational Qualification: PhD in Mechanical Engineering

Organizational Position: Faculty Member and Dean (Acting)

Rank: Assistant Professor

Contact Number: 021-61022852


Responsibilities and authorities:

  • Presenting appropriate measures to achieve the faculty’s objectives.
  • Implementing educational and research regulations approved by the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology and other relevant authorities.
  • Implementing decisions of the Board of Trustees and Faculty Council within the framework of applicable laws and regulations.
  • Appointing and dismissing faculty deputies and heads of affiliated units.
  • Organizing the faculty’s organizational chart and structures and proposing them for approval to the Board of Trustees through legal procedures.
  • Acting as the legal representative of the faculty to legal and corporate entities.
  • Formulating the annual and supplementary budget of the faculty and proposing it to the Board of Trustees through legal procedures.
  • Providing a comprehensive annual performance report of the faculty to the Board of Trustees and the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology.
  • Proposing the student admission capacity for each academic year and program to the Board of Trustees.
  • Issuing decrees related to the employment, appointment, promotion, advancement, mission, dismissal, etc., of faculty members and staff within the framework of applicable laws and regulations.
  • Drafting financial, transactional, administrative, employment, and organizational regulations specific to the faculty and proposing them to the Board of Trustees after approval by the Faculty Council.
  • Preparing annual financial statements and balance sheets of the faculty and presenting them to the Board of Trustees for approval.
  • Implementing decisions, regulations, and circulars issued by the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology.
  • Establishing the faculty’s operational policy within the framework of scientific, educational, research, and cultural policies.
  • Guiding cultural, educational, research, student, administrative, financial, civil engineering, and technological activities of the faculty within the scope of laws and regulations.
  • Enforcing cultural, educational, research, student, administrative, financial, civil engineering, and technological regulations within the scope of laws and regulations.
  • Managing educational, research, student, administrative, financial, civil engineering, and technological affairs and all internal and international communications of the center, coordinating various units, and responding to relevant authorities.
  • Supervising disciplinary matters of the faculty (faculty members, students, and staff) based on relevant regulations.
  • Proposing the establishment, development, merger, and dissolution of affiliated units to the central council.
  • Proposing scientific cooperation with domestic and international educational, research, and technological institutions to the Faculty Council.