Dear applicants, to participate in the exam, after registering on the Civil Aviation Organization website, you must visit the National Aviation and Airport Higher Education Center’s website and register via a link that will be provided later. After registering and paying the associated fee, the date and time of the exam will always be available in your user account.
Please take care to keep your username and password secure, as this is the only way to access registration. You cannot have two user accounts in this system with the same national ID. However, if you have the username (email address) and access to the associated email, you can reset your password through the password reset option in case you forget it and then access your account.
Since the interview date is chosen by you, be sure to select a date on which you can attend the exam. Due to the system’s capacity and your specific registration, evaluators are scheduled to be present at your chosen time, and because of the automated nature of this process, the date cannot be rescheduled.
The Faculty of Aviation Industry has extensive experience in conducting specialized aviation exams in the country.
Notable exams include:
- B1 and B2 Module Exams
- Language Proficiency Rating (LPR) Exams, compliant with aviation industry standards
- And more.
To register, please visit the Non-Academic Courses and Specialized Exams System of the faculty.